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Group Special File Formats
Main Application Version 1.5 or later
Required Update n/a
File Parameters no
Registry Parameters no
Build Parameters yes (seventh)
Special Parameters no

Allows changes in .ini files.


IniValueChange:<description>,<filename>,<section>,<value>,<old data>,<new data>[,advanced build parameters]


IniValueChange:"A silly example","C:\Test.ini","TestMain","Greeting","Hello World","Hallo Welt"

Let's take a look at C:\Test.ini before this check has taken place:

Greeting=Hello World

Now after this has been detected and fixed by the user, it would look like:

Greeting=Hallo Welt


This command changes the data of a value inside an INI file.

  1. The first parameter is a standard description; either plaintext, or better a description template, since that allows localization when displaying results to the user.
  2. The second parameter describes the file; you may use path template here. PT
  3. The third parameter describes the section inside the INI file; Algo-Prefixes are allowed here. AP PT
  4. The fourth parameter describes the name of the value; Algo-Prefixes are allowed here. AP PT
  5. The fifth parameter identifies the data the value has to match; Algo-Prefixes are allowed here. AP PT
  6. The sixth parameter specifies the new data for the value. PT
  7. Optionally, you may use advanced build parameters in the seventh parameter.

You might want to take advantage of the Algo-Prefix <$REGMATCHn> result of previous <regexpr> checks here.

Scan Results

  • INI file entry.

See also

Similar commands

Similar advanced file parameters