Searches the registry for a class with the given name.
CLSID:[class name],<filename,<advanced file parameters>>
CLSID:"Dummy Class"
This easy example would detect the following class:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{11223344-5566-7788-9900-AABBCCDDEEFF}] @="Dummy Class"
Please do use RegyKey wherever the CLSID GUID itself is static; this command is reserved to identifying class IDs that are random and cn be identified only by their class name.
- The first mandatory parameter simply specified the exact name of the class.
- The second, optional paraeter allows you to specify a file the class needs to point to to be flagged.
- The third parameter may only be specified if the second one is as well; it allows you to further limit the results down to classes for files that match certain advanced file parameters.
See also
- Advanced file parameters
- Sadly, no Algo-Prefix here.